Printable math flash cards
Printable math flash cards

printable math flash cards

Choose how many cards and which visual representations you want to use. Hide and Seek: This is a great game if your child needs to get up and move around. Players take turns asking for a number and making a match. Deal the cards evenly so each player has 5-7 cards and then place the rest in the pond. Go Fish: Choose how many cards and which visual representations to include and then play as you would normally play Go Fish. So for example, say you were going to play with 20 cards with two representations of numbers, you would place all of the finger patterns in the left column(s) and all of the numerals in the right column(s). This reduces the amount of cards they need to remember by half. If your children struggle with remembering where cards are, you can place the cards into two separate columns or sets of columns (see picture below) where they pick one card from one side and then know there will be a match for it on the other side. For example, the numeral 4 could match the dot pattern 4, the abacus pattern 4 or the 4 fingers. Once your children are good at this, add in two more representations and then they have more opportunities for correct matches. Memory: Start this game with just two representations of the cards to match to each other. When players run out of cards, the game can end by the person with the most cards winning or the players can flip their stack of cards over and start again playing until someone has taken all of the cards. The person with the highest card gets to keep all the cards played on that turn and play continues. War: Deal out all the cards evenly to each player and then each player sets down their top card face up. Which One Doesn’t Belong: Set out 3-5 cards where all the cards, but one, represent the same number and then ask your child to find the one that doesn’t belong. Once your child is is comfortable with this activity, you can play the games below, increasing complexity as they are ready by adding in other visual representations of the numbers. (Manipulatives can be tiles, pieces of candy, beads or anything else you have in large quantity!) Then, you can model adding the numeral cards to each one. If your child is at the very beginning of developing math skills, I would set out the dot cards and then have some type of manipulative that your child can count and set a matching number of manipulatives next to each dot card. Then as your child is able to quickly subitize these numbers, you can add in 6-10. First, start these games with numbers 1-5.

printable math flash cards

Your job as a teacher is to set up lots of opportunities for children to learn this skill, but you can not really ‘teach’ it to them.

printable math flash cards


Click here to read our full disclosure.) How to Get Started Subitizing (Note: This post contains affiliate links for your convenience.


Just download the cards at the bottom of this post, decide what level to start at, and pick a game to play! Here are a variety of games you can play with your children to help them develop these skills. They are another super helpful tool for your kiddo to add to their math toolbox.In our last post, Visualizing Numbers: A Key Skill for Learning Math, I explained subitizing and how critical it is to developing strong math skills. You might also like these Number Charts to use when working with math facts. You can even laminate the cards once the answer is printed, and these math tools will last you ages. Have your child cut out the flashcards and write the answer on the back. We recommend that you print these math cards on cardstock paper for longevity. And there are so many games you can play together using math flashcards. It is key to practice math facts during the transition time between grades. You will help your child build a strong math foundation by working with them for even just a few minutes each day. These printable flashcards will come in super handy, as summer break is the perfect time for kids to hone their math skills. This set includes worksheets for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division ranging from 1st grade to 2nd grade to 3rd grade levels. So in response to that need, here are twelve pages of math practice flashcards printables for you to add to your collection of tools.

printable math flash cards

A recurring request was more simple math fact help. We recently reached out to you asking what resources you needed most during this time of transition and remote learning.

Printable math flash cards